Wednesday, March 3, 2010

raisinets > chocolate covered espresso beans

I do not like strong coffee; I do not like espresso; I do not like coffee beans or any other coffee specimen (the obvious exception being coffee ice cream,) so I am unsure as to why I am so perplexed by the fact that I dislike chocolate covered espresso beans.

I do not like chocolate covered espresso beans. End of story, but occasionally I will cross paths with the opportunity to eat them, and a majority of the time I will try one….you know, just to be sure I do not like them.

End result? Always the same. I do not like chocolate covered espresso beans. Not one bit; not one iota. I like all other chocolate dipped delicacies, but not the bean of espresso.

This leads me to bigger questions here. What kind of crazed, caffeine addicted chocoholic created these little mocha morsels of energy? Lets be frank here: chocoholism and caffeine dependence are real addictions. Combining them is just plain cruel for mocha enthusiasts. Luckily for me, I am not one of them, however, my obvious vice is peanut butter, and we all know how delicious combining chocolate and that tasty treat can be.

Secondly, why do people choose to drink coffee when they can nosh on these caffeine caplets all day and achieve the same desired effect? I think it is a no brainer...especially when chocolate is involved. Bet your bottom dollar that if Raisinets dispersed caffeine into my bloodstream and boosted my metabolism, I would eat those suckers all day, every day (calories removed, of course!)

1 comment:

  1. The fact that you are taking a picture of this while driving probably REALLY helps matters, too.

