My parent’s road is flooded, as in completely impassable. We have become the Chappy of the western suburbs of Boston…you know, [celebrity filled] neighborhoods which are only accessible by boat. Residents at the far end of Pelham Island Road are unable to leave because flood waters have them surrounded. Come out with your hands up!
Solution? Bring in the duckboats.
For all you nons, Duckboats are a fleet of land-to-water megaboats that transports tourists to and fro all the historical and culture cornerstones of Boston. To all Bostonians, the Duckboats are a mass tourist movement company that efficiently moves slow, meandering tourists around the city, effectively getting them out of our way. I am 90% duckboat fan; the other 10% of me cannot forgive the lone boat who snuck up behind me and sneak attacked me with massive amounts of group duckboat quacking. Apparently I wasn’t in a non-quacking zone (yes, they have those) but regarless, I may never come back from that. All details aside, Duckboats have now temporarily found a home in my parents suburban neighborhood/standing body of water.
Luckily for Bob and Diane, our home is on the civilization side, meaning we can access the Metropolis that is my hometown without needing to take a boat. As if Sudbury, MA isn’t already completely separated from all other walks of life as is, Mother Nature wanted to isolate our road even further. Thanks, girlfriend!
This whole duckboat conundrum leaves me with one very important question. Is Pelham Island Road a quack-free zone? Do I now need to remain alert on walks with my mother incase a feisty duckboat crew decides perform another surprise quake-a-thon at my expense? I wonder if the driver has prompted them to quack, and if those being transported to and from our beautiful wildlife sanctuary are in good enough spirits to participate.
I am hoping we remain quack free but at this point, anything is possible.
Also, looking forward to another three inches of rain this evening!
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