Wednesday, August 25, 2010

And Inhale...

(Somehow this didn't post yesterday...damn technology)

My Favorite Winter Smells

  • Christmas trees. Shopping for a tree each year is like aroma therapy. I went as far as to by a pine scented candle so that I could enjoy it all year round, but unfortunately, it seems as though I am the only person who enjoys that scented candle. Solution? When I live alone, my apartment will have one of those candles in every room. Deal with it.
  • Laundry fresh from the dryer. I admit that I do occasionally stick my face in clean laundry and sniff, just like they do in the commercials. Don’t lie, you’ve done it too.
  • Warm carbs. Judge away, but if you toast, grill or otherwise warm a carb, I will start salivating. Toast? Bagels? Muffins? Waffles? Yes.yes.yes.yes.
  • Snow. There is a distinct smell right before snow falls, and I really like it. If only we could enjoy that smell without the lingering thought of “how early will I need to wake up to clean my car off tomorrow morning?”

My Favorite Spring Smells

  • Lilies…I think its lilies, but im not actually sure. There is one specific flower that I love the smell of, but I haven’t been able to get my dad, the flower guru in the area with me when I do smell it, so I just pretend its lilies so I have a concrete answer for myself.
  • Fresh sheets. This kind of goes along with the aforementioned fresh laundry, but if it isn’t warm, this now becomes a favorite scent for the spring season.

My Favorite Summer Smells

  • Non-stinky low tide. The one that smells like ocean, not sewage.
  • Freshly cut grass, but not when it is accompanied with the smell of lawnmower. The gasoline needs to burn off before I enjoy the aroma.
  • Coconut scented suntan lotion. Mostly due to its direct correlation with me being tan. Remember, call me Kris-tan, but don’t ever spell it wrong.
  • New shower curtain. Yes, I like the new smell, but I also think it might have something to do with the fact that I am no longer scared to touch a germ infested curtain.
  • Gasoline. As in car gasoline. As in I love the smell of a gas station. This could explain so much.

My Favorite Fall Smells

  • old books. Just call me Carrie.
  • Popcorn
  • Cider
  • Freshly baked apple pie. That is a smell my nose is rarely exposed to, and if it is, it is usually accompanied by the soothing sounds of my parents’ smoke alarm
  • burning campfires, specifically because it associates me with being warm, drinking an alcoholic beverage, and usually digesting a smore.
  • pipe smoke. I was a very disappointed 5 year old when I found out that pipes didn’t taste how they smelled. What is the point?!

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