This is why.

This is what happens to cars who are neglected by their owners. Poor Sassafrass. I love her so much, yet I let things like this happen to her. I am such an awful mom.
I am naturally curious, so I will share my traumatic experience with the world, in hopes of receiving sympathy cards, singing telegrams, and/or deductable donations. I am only telling it once because I have just exhausted my ability to talk about it. Even seeing that very picture of poor Sass defeats me.
Saturday afternoon was particularly satisfying for me, pre 2:00 PM EST. I was finishing up errands, looking forward to a fun evening with some girlfriends, and enjoying a leisurely drive home in the beautiful weather…I even pondered enjoying a Starbucks treat and cleaning out my car (yes, I was in that good of a mood.)
While traveling into the metropolis of Framingham, I drove through the mad house that was the TD Bank Wayland Grand Opening Extravaganza. Here enter people handing out pens at the red light, children/teenagers/employees running amuck and crossing the street wherever they please, loud music, balloons, and my personal favorite…men on stilts. While safely stopped at a red light, I sat there staring slash awkwardly avoiding the guy approaching my car with balloons and free pens, and thinking to myself: a) wow, I semi wish I had TD Bank and b) keep your eyes on the road, diva.
After my successful jaunt in Framingham, I began my journey home to Charlestown for a run, light dinner, and evening of dancing. Approaching the light, the very light where I had sat pondering before, I was relieved to see the circus had relatively died down. As my light turned green, I accelerated through the light and began to prepare for the straightaway to come…you know, the same thing I do every day during my daily commute to and fro work.
The driver in front of me; however, had other plans. In an attempt to appease frolicking pedestrians, who were not on a crosswalk nor had begun their cross, the driver abruptly yielded and prepped for them to cross the street.
If only I had gotten the memo sooner, as I was unable to stop quickly enough to prevent the collision that was about to occur. Insert screeching brakes, bracing arms, holding breath, colliding cars, breaking glass, cracking plastic, sizzling radiator, yelling onlookers, deafening silence, absolute terror.
The next five minutes is a blur, as I was in complete shock. Various people were talking to me, but I can’t find a face or a voice to go with it. The only things I recognize are Sass’s hood bent beyond belief, and the shooting pain down my back, into my leg, and the fact that I caused it. I somehow got my car out of the middle of the road, exchanged information, and called both the police and my parents before suffering from my complete mental breakdown after reality set in. My breakdown occurred just in time for the surprisingly nurturing and understanding Wayland Police Officer who eventually came to my aid.
To my surprise, the officer sympathized with me, as she understood that while the accident was ultimately my fault, the stimulus surrounding it wasn’t. Whether she was sharing her genuine reaction, or merely attempting to console a crying 23 year old, it worked, and I was able to calm down…until my parents pulled in. Insert second round of waterworks.
I will spare you with the painfully boring details that would follow this event, but I am sure this is not the last you will hear of this adventure with Sass. Clearly she has been unhappy with me since the original windshield wiper break.
So that’s the story.
I will never, ever switch to TD Bank, nor do I wish I was a member of it.
I am naturally curious, so I will share my traumatic experience with the world, in hopes of receiving sympathy cards, singing telegrams, and/or deductable donations. I am only telling it once because I have just exhausted my ability to talk about it. Even seeing that very picture of poor Sass defeats me.
Saturday afternoon was particularly satisfying for me, pre 2:00 PM EST. I was finishing up errands, looking forward to a fun evening with some girlfriends, and enjoying a leisurely drive home in the beautiful weather…I even pondered enjoying a Starbucks treat and cleaning out my car (yes, I was in that good of a mood.)
While traveling into the metropolis of Framingham, I drove through the mad house that was the TD Bank Wayland Grand Opening Extravaganza. Here enter people handing out pens at the red light, children/teenagers/employees running amuck and crossing the street wherever they please, loud music, balloons, and my personal favorite…men on stilts. While safely stopped at a red light, I sat there staring slash awkwardly avoiding the guy approaching my car with balloons and free pens, and thinking to myself: a) wow, I semi wish I had TD Bank and b) keep your eyes on the road, diva.
After my successful jaunt in Framingham, I began my journey home to Charlestown for a run, light dinner, and evening of dancing. Approaching the light, the very light where I had sat pondering before, I was relieved to see the circus had relatively died down. As my light turned green, I accelerated through the light and began to prepare for the straightaway to come…you know, the same thing I do every day during my daily commute to and fro work.
The driver in front of me; however, had other plans. In an attempt to appease frolicking pedestrians, who were not on a crosswalk nor had begun their cross, the driver abruptly yielded and prepped for them to cross the street.
If only I had gotten the memo sooner, as I was unable to stop quickly enough to prevent the collision that was about to occur. Insert screeching brakes, bracing arms, holding breath, colliding cars, breaking glass, cracking plastic, sizzling radiator, yelling onlookers, deafening silence, absolute terror.
The next five minutes is a blur, as I was in complete shock. Various people were talking to me, but I can’t find a face or a voice to go with it. The only things I recognize are Sass’s hood bent beyond belief, and the shooting pain down my back, into my leg, and the fact that I caused it. I somehow got my car out of the middle of the road, exchanged information, and called both the police and my parents before suffering from my complete mental breakdown after reality set in. My breakdown occurred just in time for the surprisingly nurturing and understanding Wayland Police Officer who eventually came to my aid.
To my surprise, the officer sympathized with me, as she understood that while the accident was ultimately my fault, the stimulus surrounding it wasn’t. Whether she was sharing her genuine reaction, or merely attempting to console a crying 23 year old, it worked, and I was able to calm down…until my parents pulled in. Insert second round of waterworks.
I will spare you with the painfully boring details that would follow this event, but I am sure this is not the last you will hear of this adventure with Sass. Clearly she has been unhappy with me since the original windshield wiper break.
So that’s the story.
I will never, ever switch to TD Bank, nor do I wish I was a member of it.
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