Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Mazel Tov, Cheesecake

Cheesecake has won the Pie vs Cake March Madness Bracket, and albeit, I am [along with one very fun colleague] a bit sad to see this competition come to a close.

As if the fact that the entire competition revolved around complex carbohydrates was not enough to tantalize our taste buds, the fact that the bracket existed solely due to online participation and online marketing really revved our e-marketing, social media geek engines. We were hot for the social media pool.
For those of you who haven’t been religiously following the better of the two March Madnesses, I will quickly recap highlights from Cheesecakes victorious path, but I strongly suggest you educate yourself on the bracket results using this link. Begin salivating now.

Final Four was an exciting round, where Cheesecake pulled an overwhelming upset over the favored #1 seated pie, Apple, and while on the cake side, Red Velvet successfully beat out its contender, German Chocolate. Cheesecake then continued on her path to victory after her (expected?) win over Red Velvet Cake.

After being a closet voter in the first round (flying solo with excitement over this wick-id smaht online marketing ploy), I decided to introduce the world to my new found love via twitter, my other not-so-new-found love. Since my twitter fan based is mostly comprised of colleagues and work friends, the bracket soon became our daily multi-cube gossip topic.

I quickly realized that I am not the only social media/complex carb combo enthusiast out there, and that dessert is a very passionate topic for many, and soon our daily bracket votes became full discussions. If the daily pair-ups were a controversial combination, such as Red Velvet vs Coconut cake, there was an expectation for each voter to explain their [educated] vote. My first “explanation required” vote was my pick for Blueberry over Key Lime pie. Why? Obviously for its higher nutritional value, being that there are natural blueberries nestled into every bite, and its ability to be a multi-season pie, where as Key Lime is neither of those (no offense, Key Lime.)

Through Cheesecake’s victory, I also realized that I have found my corporate niche, as there are few people in the world that would appreciate social-media-infused desserts as much as I do, and all of them are conveniently located around my cubicle.

As if I needed further evidence to support my love of cheesecake, here it is!

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