Friday, February 26, 2010


Things I have done this winter to stay warm in the office:

  1. Solely consume warm and/or hot things. This includes, but is not limited to: tea, soup, lean cuisines, leftovers, oatmeal, popcorn
  2. drink hot water. Why not tea? Because I am sick of it, and it dehydrates you.
  3. snuck my slippers under my desk to keep my footsies warm while I compute.
  4. worn extra layers to work
  5. …only to then wear my jacket anyways
  6. Shoved my nose in my sweater and attempted to blow hot air on it to warm it up
  7. Wear Ugg boots into the building, and then just happen to forget about taking them off.
  8. Gone to the bathroom solely to stick my hands under hot water.
  9. Sat Indian style, excuse me Native American style, to keep my feet warm
  10. Attempted to function at my computer while wearing gloves. Fail.

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