Welcome back to the 2010 Meteorological Match Between the favored Mother Nature, and the underdog, Civilization.
To recap last round highlights:
One Point Mother Nature: Lotsa Snow in DC
One Point Mother Nature: Surprise! Earthquake in Haiti
One Point Civilization: Earthquakes in California and Chile, but we survived!
One Point Mother Nature: The entire state of Massachusetts = underwater
One Point Mother Nature: An Icelandic Volcano? Really?
At the quarter, Mother Nature is beating civilization by four.
Round 6: Ding!
Well, well, well, hello there giant oil spill in the Gulf! It seems as though Mutha Naytcha got a bit bored of the [suspiciously] quiet spring and decided to throw a little action into the lives of Americans… I mean who doesn’t love a good tar ball while at the beach. Sadly enough, Mother Nature has singlehandedly squashed the esteem of America, and taken the Gulf wildlife, and newly revived livelihoods of those living in the gulf ( you know, since that other little ditty known as Katrina) with it. Only thing going up? Gas prices…oh, and political commercials attacking Scott Brown for his stance with oil companies (because its definitely Brown’s fault that the oil spill is happening, not BP’s…) One “Well, at least we aren’t thinking about shark attacks” point: Mother Nature.
Round 7: Ding!
No Canadians, you are not completely crazy, you did just feel a 5.0 magnitude earthquake. Hold onto your poutine! (I can say that, I’m Canadian.) Again, Mother Nature decided to de-bench an unlikely hero for the MN team. That fault line in Canada hasn’t been given playing time in decades, time to let her shine. Luckily for civilization, there isn’t too much going on in Canada and its surrounding areas (besides the overwhelming metropolis that is my alma mater), so civilization came out relatively unscathed. One “maybe you can fix the oil spill” point: civilization.
Round 8: Ding!
With over 60 days down and 83 million gallons (and counting) of oil already polluting the Gulf, and no foreseeable end in sight, you’d think that Mutha Naytcha would cut civilization some slack. I mean, what did we do to deserve all of this? (besides depleting the ozone layer and maybe even slightttlyyy contributing to global warming) Clearly being a sore winner, MN brings out the big guns. Enter Hurricane Alex.
Hurricane + oil spill = Catastophe. For [at a very minimum] two reasons.
One being because of Alex, skimmers and other preventative measures have been slowed, halted or damaged all together. The second being because of the worst case scenario: the Gulf stream (for lack of a more scientific name.) With the waters stirred up in the gulf, it is possible that oil is going to be pushed into the current-thingy-ma-bob, carried around Florida and up the east coast. EEK! Panic! Anxiety! (To which I then revert back to my new years resolution and say to myself: “Self, you cannot stress about the things you cannot control.”) One “where is the mercy rule?” point: Mutha Naytcha.
Stay tuned for the halftime report.
KAD: I agree, but would have to add that in Round 6 Civilization actually is to blame for ruining not only itself but also Mother Nature. But thanks for the tar balls anyway, MN.