Good: we have a used book store in town, and just like Carrie, I also enjoy the smell of read books.
Great: the books are dirt cheap. It is actually offensive how cheap the books are.
TGIT: Apparently too cheap to hire someone to proof their front sign? Correct me if I am wrong, but shouldn’t they have used the word “barely” as opposed to “bearly?” I am all for creative names, (I mean I am opening a bar [someday] called The Naughty Pine) but I don’t see any bear theme that would prove correlation to the [un]intentional name misspell. I think they should re-evaluate their proofreader sooner than later. Looks like someone else needs a weekend too.
I don't mean to burst your bubble..but The Naughty Pine already exists...in ugly Troy, NY..and sadly, I grew up in this bar...