Monday, May 17, 2010

One minute remaining in the period...

Advanced apologies for the overly nostalgic post.

In honor of the second anniversary of my collegiate graduation (eek!), I would like to make a list of things that I miss about my alma mater.

  1. Mikey’s Special. For all you non’s, a Mikey’s “Spesh” is a reverse pizza. Sauce on top, cheese on bottom, pure happiness in the middle. Eating a Mikey’s is the closest experience one can have to heaven, without dying first.
  2. The Tick Tock Inn – Front bar. No Bostonian bar has yet to compare to this old rundown, leaking, favorite. You will always have my heart, ticker.
  3. 19 Judson’s kiddy pool, cold dorm, kitchen and back deck
  4. The Tick Tock – Back Bar. So hot, the walls sweat.
  5. Chicken Salad: both a la Partridge and a la Newell
  6. Having a student ID that doubles as a meal card…(why can’t Driver’s Licenses do that.)
  7. the ability to wear a sweatshirt, spandex and Uggs everwhere….and having it be socially acceptable
  8. Potsdam NY, and the culinary delicacies that reside there.
  9. being overly drunk in a place where its not just normal, but often encouraged!
  10. double lime rickey with gin…or vodka!
  11. sober drivers. These exist in Boston; they are called cabs, and they come with an expensive bill and a sketchy driver (usually muttering to himself in some unrecognizable language)
  12. Bid Day (insert cued “aw” whenever you feel appropriate.)
  13. Being surrounded by people who appreciate good music such as Bette Davis Eyes, Wagonwheel, Shake It, and Bleeding Love.
  14. Dana. Brunch.
  15. Being able to go to the grocery store in full theme party attire, only to find yourself feeling overdressed. (RIP P&C.)
  16. having my nearest and dearests all within walkable distance of each other including my witty/gin loving, redhead counterpart (you should probably read her blog too,, da boyz (yes, all of them collectively), my fellow Sudburian and pool enthusiast, my big/ psychologist, my tri-delt sistahhhs, the loyal and laughing shorty, the [often hated] S6, my future Charlestown roommate, and “Barb, shut the eff up.”

…and Clarkson still sucks!

1 comment:

  1. Hello! Just discovered your blog via facebook. Love it! I will be a frequent reader :) Hope all is well!
