Tuesday, May 25, 2010

due to popular demand,

My weekend…in randoms

I am able to entertain myself [and others] by creating elaborate, soap opera-esque, story lines based on the randos who surround me. Us girls lost 2 hours of our lives to analyzing and dissecting the group dynamics of the drunk teenagers in front of us at Earthfest. Special shout out to “Ashley” and “Dan,” our crowd favorite not-trying-too-hard-to-be-cute-but-is-soooo-cute couple.

I am currently not getting along with random pot holes at the esplanade

I am the only person in America who dislikes leather couches. I dislike having to peel myself off of a piece of furniture, thanks.

Reason for my phone battery draining at lightning speed? Why because I somehow audio recorded 3 days of my life, of course!

I ingested enough calcium this weekend to fortify a small cow

I dislike the word “mulch” because it sounds and is spelled the way it smells. Mulch.

Salad dressing that comes from a spritzer makes me happy

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