Monday, September 27, 2010

I May Have Just Killed Someone...Again

I hate segways.

You know, these things.

Segways are yet another reason while Americans are getting increasingly more obese. Why walk/commute/get a bit of exercise when you can stand on this platform-on-wheels and essentially relocate to a new area without exerting any time of energy to get there?


Boston has taken this to a new level. People no longer walk the freedom trail (gosh, that is so ten years ago) but rather, tourists now segway the freedom trail.

You know how tourists aimlessly walk with little to no direction, stopping whenever they please to snap a photo, look at a map, or just stop to inconvenience the Bostonian population? Well now do the same thing, but put said tourist on a lifted, motorized, fast moving vehicle…and traveling in a pack. It is traumatic when being passed by a school of segwayers, who have little to no understanding of the fact that they are on a moving vehicle, capable of seriously hurting pedestrians around them aka me.

At any rate, this weekend, in a pure fit of rage, I may have said something along the lines of this: “I hate segways. Whoever invented them should die.”

Childish? Yes. Reactionary? Of course! Therapeutic? Absolutely.

Many agreed, so I cannot take full responsibility for this but….

…I cant help but feel partially responsible.

I mean, if not 24 hours before I had just said that he was no longer worthy of living life, but I certainly didn’t mean that to be taken literally, Mr.Jimi.

Clearly, I have learned my lesson. I will never say “…should die” unless I really truly want them too.

I’m kidding, but seriously I feel like a horrible person.

This hasn’t happened since 2008, when I told my cousin that our [very old, but still very alive] relative would never die.

She died a month later.

I still suffer guilt from that one.

Guess I need to keep my mouth shut.

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