Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Double Vision?

Lets play spot the difference (or lack there of)

Below is a picture of the South Hall Lobby of the Los Angeles Convention Center.
I can identify the LACC in any picture, as I have logged over 70 miles within these walls over the last two years (accumulated over 6 days, mind you)

Below is a picture of “the airport” in this week’s episode of Parenthood (my favorite show in the entire world, duh)

Are we seeing some very odd similarities here?

So being the naturally curious detective that I am, I froze two separate pictures to compare the similarities to prove to myself that I am not, in fact, going crazy. Yet another example of how I just cant manage to let things just occur, without over analyzing

Detective skills at work:
  1. Signage placement and font similarities, I mean hello, I am in marketing
  2. railings= same
  3. columns=same
  4. column placement in relation to its surroundings = same
  5. escalator = same
  6. floors, both here and on the lower floors = same
  7. background = same.

Overall analysis: They are the same place. Can just put a potted plant and a garbage can in the middle of my domain and tell me its an airport. Its just not going to happen.

Don’t believe me?

Here’s another angle so that I can further feel good about my useless detective skills:

Hall connecting West and South Lobbies.

Parenthood “Airport Security”
Gee, weird, they look so similar!

  1. the style of the hall = same
  2. floors match previous LACC picture shown above
  3. walls/windows along right = same
  4. hanging signage = same

Need I prove it further?

I just need to give myself a pat on the back, and reassure myself that it is normal to recognize a scene in a television show, and completely lose all involvement in the plot. Thank the lord for DVR.

Okay, I feel better.

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