Friday, July 1, 2011

Happy Birthday, America!

In honor of our beautiful nation’s birthday, I would like to share my list of reasons why America is better than, well, anywhere else, to compliment my list of my favorite Americans, which you can read by clicking here.

  1. We have football. No, I didn’t mean soccer, I meant football.
  2. Republicans.
  3. THE FOURTH OF JULY, patriots!
  4. Ahem. Golden Gate Bridge, Ellis Island, Grand Canyon, Radio City Music Hall
  5. We drive on the [figurative and literal] right side of the road.
  6. Country music > euro club music
  7. We run the BBQ show. Memphis? Yup. Carolina? Check.
  8. The beaches…on the cape and on the west coast. Our beaches win, always.
  9. America has Thanksgiving, and no one else does.
  10. Smores. Chocolate + marshmellow + messy = heaven
  11. The American flag looks amazing on all mediums, including bandanas and spandex.
  12. Americans encourage individualism, which I would like to take away from some people, but, generally speaking, freedom is a pretty great thing.
  13. You can ski mountains, swim with dolphins, walk on beaches, and play in forests without having to leave the country. Take that, Switzerland.
  14. We invent things. You can thank Americans for the invention of the revolver, videogames, the Atomic Bomb, toilet paper, this little thing called the internet, bubble gum, cereal, roto-rooter, scrabble, and pretty much every diet ever created
  15. Ben & Jerry’s. I prefer Chunky Monkey or Cherry Garcia, but any kind will do.
  16. Quality Reality Television. Emphasis on quality. I am talking to you, London.
  17. We made Brad Pitt. You are very welcome, world.
  18. We are the home of patriotism.
  19. We perfected the art of romantic comedies.
  20. People Magazine and US Weekly? Duhhh
  21. Northeast Lobstahs fresh off the boat with corn on the cob.
  22. We made Wikipedia!
  23. Baseball, cracker jacks, and all that jazz.
  24. U-S-A! U-S-A!
  25. The New York Football Giants

Oh, and for all my Canadian friends who are all like: “but Kristin, it’s Canada Day!”

I say: been there. Done that. I already wrote about the things I love about Canada here.

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