Friday, December 10, 2010

Tis the Season to Gain Weight.....

Fa La La La La, La La La La!

In a normal day, I exercise caution when making choices at meals, and I opt for the healthier option when given the choice…most of the time.

Beginning around Thanksgiving, the word “no” seems to become a swear word in my vocabulary. Where usually I would be able to say “oh no thank you, one donut is enough for me,” or “no thanks, I think I have had too much to drink,” the words “oh, sure I’ll have another, I mean it is Christmas” somehow manage to leak from my mouth. Without fail.

I mean, tis the season to overindulge, right?


At any rate, this is when I am thankful for the regular routine in my nine to fiver (well, eight to four thirty-er) to keep me from holiday snacking/lunching/gingerbread latte-ing/ “oh, its okay, it’s the holiday season”-ing all day long. There is just simply not enough time for snacking when I am working, plus I find that, under usual circumstances, I have very good self control whilst in the office. [Not to mention my weird complex about whether coworkers monitor how often/how long/for what reason I leave my desk.]

I pack my own snacks so that I steer away from the demons that live in the Cheez-it, Swedish Fish, Gummy Bear, Peanut M&M, Veggie Stick snack buckets that live in our kitchen throughout the year, so that when I do have that occasionally Apple tart with vanilla/cinnamon/nutmeg/other yummy spices/ drizzle atop it, I don’t feel completely and utterly worthless. Sigh.

But then it happens….

The holiday gift baskets start to magically appear in the focal point of my office. The kitchen.

Then I loose all sight of normal caloric intake.

It is only December 7th and we have already had the following delicacies grace us with their appearance in December:

  • Homemade Christmas Cookies
  • Store bought Christmas Cookies
  • Blueberry cake a la a co-workers aunt
  • An oversized Caramel/chocolate/peanut butter covered candy apple
  • donuts, bagels, and hot cider…twice
  • chocolate covered molasses chips
  • a marble Boston coffee cake
  • a pumpkin/cinnamon roll/thing

Well, here’s to getting back on the bandwagon January 2, 2011? [I mean we all know it is impossible to be good while also being incredibly hungover…]

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