Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Summah Time in Chahleztown

It is time to finally come out of hibernation! Summer is upon us. [Cue the hallelujah choir now.]

My goals for this summer:
  1. Build and maintain a very strong, dark, yet naturally looking tan, to compliment the blonde hair I will also be building and maintaining.
  2. Eat as many hotdogs as I am able. Why? Because summer is the only season where eating hotdogs are socially acceptable. Summer brings excellent news for this bbq connoisseur, as I prefer a good hot dog to any other grilled delicacy
  3. Take many a road trip with the windows down, and the music up. Bonus points if the destination can help reach goal #1.
  4. Take more pictures! This can roughly translate to someonepleasebuymeanewcamera.
  5. Befriend someone with a boat, or befriend someone who has befriended someone with a boat.
  6. Try gold nail polish and rock neon. Neon’s the poo, so take a big wiff (Bring It On, anyone?)
  7. Attend at least one day event where a cowboy hat and boots are required.
  8. Eat lots and lots and lots of fruit.
  9. Have a really good story to share with my future children involving my family.
  10. Not get into any kind of accident with Sass.
  11. Somehow integrate my leather jacket into fun summer chic.
  12. Find my DVDs that are still missing from my move out of 8th St. Where are you, Overboard and Dirty Dancing…my life isn’t complete…
  13. Read. A lot. This also will compliment goal #1.
  14. Utilize our "state-of-the-art, ooh look we even have a grill" roofdeck

Really, the ultimate goal here is to do anything to promote and enhance goal #1. My thought process behind this is that if I become exceedingly tan now, I will have a semi healthy complexion through November. I mean, a girl can dream.

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